February 11, 1919 Tuesday
Big letter from Clarence with pictures. General strike busted. Only B.B.'s are out. Painted Anna's room for her. That is the floor. Took Fred, Mabel & Anna with me to banquet. Dinner was a success. $55 taken in. Good program. Waited on tables. All went out to Eva's house.
February 10, 1919 Monday
Encouraging letter from Gulowsen-Gree Engine co. To Russian class. Don't study enough ion it so don't get very far. Don't seem to find the time. Frank Cleary, Ev Muller, Dode Lynch & I made ready with chairs & tables for banquet to pay for indirect lights, tomorrow night.
February 9, 1919 Sunday
Up late. Studied & read; then to C.E. Fine bunch of young folks as I have remarked before. Gone with them on to six years. Took some of the folks home. Read & studied in evening.
February 8, 1919 Saturday
Papers our for Sunday. Heavy rain. Nice to walk in. I went over to Francis Powers house to spend evening played steel guitar & looked at pictures. Exciting start of another cold. Too warm in apartment.
February 7, 1919 Friday
No papers except star. Things grow deader about town. Jim & Bill Gramlis & Elua, myself & two other girls went to Knickerbocker dance at K.C. Carried gun in car at Bill's request. Drove everyone home & myself by 2:30.
February 6, 1919 Thursday
Fred & I up to Gramlis house. Big strike. Business at a standstill. No street cars. Everybody walks except those with autos. I was sworn in as emergency policemen at request. Offered to serve as driver for tel. co. Had enough.
February 5, 1919 Wednesday
Stored in about 20 gallons of gas and food supplies preparatory for big strike. It will kill Seattle should the general strike last long. Public speaking class.
February 4, 1919 Tuesday
Shipyard strike commences. I was down town. All shipworkers seemed to be down walking up and down the side walks.
February 3, 1919 Monday
General strike set for 10 a.m. Thursday. Wrote 3 letters, studied Russian then to town on a business bent. To Russian class as usual. Used free ad column in times to get best job to be had but strike queers all.
February 2, 1919 Sunday
Out to visit Mrs. Weaver to talk about Clarence. Then to C.E. All the old timers there. Fine bunch of young people. Frank Powers & I went to Colis & to Bouchaerts' in evening.
February 1, 1919 Saturday
General strike impending. A NEW MONTH my how they do fly. to Clark-Baker & to Galowsen- Freida for jobs with Ed Bomstead. No job but nice fleirses. To U.W.-O game 19-13. Delivered a cake to winners. To S&S club with homer.
January 31, 1919 Friday
After attending to errands in town saw Moore & Pan on passes from the War Camp Community Service. These shows cost only my time. That's enough. Too much.
Janaury 30, 1919 Thursday
Got a puncture just when I was going job "speckulatin" so had to come home again. Saw Clemmer & Colis on passes. Russian. Called up Dot. Oh jolly, oh boy, where do we go from here.
January 29, 1919 Wednesday
Public speaking class. Worked at my desk before going down. Can find plenty to do without working so why work. Oh no. not exactly.
January 28, 1919 Tuesday
Worked on that eternal job or infernal machine for a while. Tightened up steering apparatus cart was rambling all over street. Studied a little Russianitch. Cut "cord" of wood mis
January 27, 1919 Monday
Father's birthday. Dad's birthday - 62nd. Also, E Kaiser's. He was well stocked up with cigars, so- To Russianitch class and to Oak - first and last time on a pass- no good.
January 26, 1919 Sunday
Wore civilians today. Up too late for church - practiced steel & read both Sunday papers, then to C.E. Society at Bethany for the first time for six months. Put on entertainment committee so I'd come back I guess. To Liberty with Frank powers to Boucharts & Beanery.
January 25, 1919 Saturday
Wore civilians to dance. Much rain - did a bit of shopping to movie then home - pressed suit & to Lutus Club dance at Masonic with Alice Lovall. Good time had by all. With Frank Powers later. Bed at 2.
Janaury 24, 1919 Friday
TOO MUCH RAIN- Floods all over. Helped Hodges repair car then to depot to meet Al Smith- train delayed. Then to movie show with Homer & to W.S.C. & W.W. basketball game W.S.C. won both
Janaury 23, 1919 Thursday
Over to F.M Co. nothing doing & 1st did 346 Field Art. comes home. Worked at home then to Russian class, Then with Homer Hodge & Ron Schmidt to S&S club dance. Had good time. Hodge had just returned from Camp Grant Ill.
January 22, 1919 Wednesday
Up after another good sleep. Attended public sp class, Put on my civilians for the first time since I entered navy. Stopped and bot hat, shoes, shirt, collar & neckwear. Felt uncomfortable.
Janaury 21, 1919 Tuesday
Fred & dad both home. Dad a day off. Fred on account of Shipyard strike. Lots of guards downtown. No violence tho. Practiced in steel guitar & studied Russian.
January 20, 1919 Monday
Changed tire, then drove out to college to look into course I want to take in October, invited Ed Bomstead over tomorrow night. Went over to Weavers not home. Homer Hodge back. Called up. Russian & pass to pants.
January 19, 1919 Sunday
Mrs. Weaver called up. Clarence coming on chaser. Up late because of rainy weather we have been having. Worked on car for 4 hours then got a flat tire right away. curses. To Colis & Liberty with Frank Powers. Called up Dot & B.
Juanuary 18, 1919 Satruday
Went after casings and put them on car. In evening had a little special coaching in Russian in order catch up with class. several weeks ahead. Danced at S&S club and Christensen's with Frank Powers & Jim Dailey.
January 17, 1919 Friday
Worked about house, cut kindling and finger. Studied some Russian. It is a punk language. Makes one sick at stomach to hear.
January 16, 1919 Thursday
Worked on car. Took off 2 casings and all five tubes brot them up to repair place. They could not repair casings Begun study of Russian at 6 o'clock then to show them to Umoff for coaching.
January 15, 1919 Wednesday
Still sleep late mornings. Took walk over to Ford plant. They stalled me off again. Worked about house. Anna home again from Anacortes.
January 14, 1919 Tuesday
Read some and mounted more pictures. Worked outside a bit. Was not so sick but lost a little in weight. Not as strong but strong enough.
Janaury 13, 1919 Monday
Up from now on. Continued to mount pictures and practiced on steel guitar. Feeling better since my appetite is back. Discharged my nurse-my mother.
January 12, 1919 Sunday
Up all day. Continued mounting pictures. Some large job. Spent hours at it. REad all the newspapers. Feeling better. Made map of Chelan trip.
January 11, 1919 Saturday
Up part of the day and commenced mounting my hundreds of pictures in my large album. Job I have wanted to do for a year. Feel better.
January 10, 1919 Friday
Stayed in bed and read more. Still have a cough and loss of voice and appetite but don't feel so bad. Glad Anna and all her company is away.
January 9, 1919 Thursday
Flu. Stayed in bed on account of cold. Developed a bad cough. Read O'Henry's Trimmed Lamp and others. Like his style of writing. Not much voice or appetite left.
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